Our market insight into historic and current trends enables us to forecast future challenges and opportunities, ensuring our clients achieve the best value from their investments.
We cover the entire development life cycle, from initial concept and strategic definition to construction, handover, and operation.
Our services include:
Feasibility estimating and viability analysis
Cost modelling and cost planning
Procurement and tender management
Contract support
Post-contract financial control
Final account negotiation and settlement
Operational cost analysis
We provide a number of additional specialist roles and functions, including employer’s agent, contract administrator, fund monitoring, expert witness, capital allowances advisory, reinstatement cost assessment, peer review, and life cycle cost planning.
As a regulated firm, our services are monitored by RICS to ensure that they meet the highest levels of professional and ethical standards.
Our team regularly update their skills and knowledge to ensure clients receive the highest level of service, centred on clear, impartial, and expert advice.